Friday, November 19, 2010

River's Edge

As much as I'd like to say it isn't the case, I have to admit that my I get my inspiration from alcohol.  That's not to say that it's the basis of my inspiration, but it is what allows the inspiration to flow.  It's as if I bullshit myself so much, that I need the alcohol to filter the bullshit out so I can know what my real emotions are.  Once I get to that point, I am good to go.

Jacob's inspiration is pretty decent. I would agree that the city can be pretty beautiful with its lights and architecture, but the thing I like to think about is what cities will be like after they've been given back to nature.  It's nice to look at the world and see what man has accomplished, but there isn't really anything mysterious about it.  I'd like to think of what it will become once nature has taken it back and made it its own again.  I think that would be something to really enjoy.  I like to imagine future people finding these places, talking about their theories of how aliens helped to build our skyscrapers and shit.  Once they have that added mystery and strangeness, they will be more inspirational to me.  Right now, I suppose I can appreciate what they are and recognize their beauty, but there isn't really a whole lot I find inspiring about them.  There is one thing I do find inspirational about them, and that is the nightlife, drinking and meeting people.  I feel like it's a good place to find colorful and interesting groups of people.  I think the homeless population gives the city flavor, but the city, buildings and such (as Jacob seems to see it) doesn't do a whole lot for me on the inspiration side of life.

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